Monday, September 12, 2016


I'm sick.  This is a crazy feeling. All I want is mama. She said she wants sleep. She's sick too but still snuggling me!  For me to be 5 months and just getting sick now I'm either doing something right or something wrong!

Thankfully I got better quickly! 


Saturday, September 10, 2016

5 months old

I am one happy boy!  I only cry when I want to be picked up, I'm hungry or when I'm about to poop!  I love to bounce. I can sit up.  I can roll around. I'm scooting along. I love to snuggle!  I stayed standing up by holding on to my toy. I love to baby babble loudly!  Mama says I need to slow down!  She's been sick but still does so much with me!  My mama is a beautiful warrior princess in my eyes! 