Happy happy birthday sweet boy!
I feel like I just wrote you 3rd birthday letter. You are the sweetest, most stubborn, smiley, always laughing, unless you get mad, baby boss! You smile 90% of the day. You cry when you get hurt badly, are tired, out of chocolate sandwiches or don’t want to go to sleep.
Kid you are so smart. You know your abcs, can count to 30, know bigger words than some adults. You speak like a little man. You are such an old soul with a lazy streak lol. You definitely use the last baby card a lot. “Me can’t me legs are broke”. “What the what the” “doody butt” “me can’t”. Are some of your phrases. You are always sweet “mama please get me chocolate sandwich (or milk)” and if we are out. You pinch me and say “go get me chocolate sandwiches now please” in his deep demonic Voice. Sometimes I am a little afraid. Your Bubba reminds you to be nice. Which you are. You just are very dramatic
You can act, dance and sing. I hope you always follow your passion! And you are passionate when you care. It’s so cute. You throw the same tantrum as Mama. Jumping up and down with a scrunched up face . Your smile lights up a room. You still smile with your eyes. It’s amazing to see. You really do love making others laugh. You have the same deep and very loud laugh that i have. It makes my heart happy to hear you laugh.
You tell the most animated imaginative stories. You really love to tell them at night. I look forward to then. I also am loving getting note one on one time with you. Thanks for being such a great snuggle bunny.
You are still a monkey. You jump on our backs or climb on us somehow, every chance you get. You also still cling to mama, especially when tired, sick or hurt. But you are starting to get sweeter to daddy. But you do hurt his feeling regularly with you “me don’t love you” You love to play with daddy. And play rough! You are definitely a rough and tumble dude!
You love your Bubba and do anything he wants. You always want to play with him. You are finally big enough to hurt him back and if happens often.
You two spend every waking moment together. Your endless imagination amazes me and your ability to pick up Minecraft still blows me away. You and your brother are so wicked smart. I hope you always stay best friends and as close as you are now. You both are truly adorable together.
Now favorites:
Food: Chocolate sandwiches
Drink: chocolate milk
Activity: Ninja class
Best friends: Bubba & Luke
Fave game: Minecraft
Fave show: power rangers
Fave color: blue or red depending on the day
Fave person: Mama
Fave destination: beach
Fave animal: cat
Fave person to take him to breakfast: Daddy
Fave pretend character: a transformer and kitty. He gets full into kitty character and has the best purr!
Lovie: mama. Pinching mamas arm ( yes you still do it and it’s your love language. And yes it hurts sometimes but I know it comforts you)
This year truly has been amazing watching you grow. You are going to do such great things in life. I’m excited to see what this year brings for you. No matter what, always remember I’ll be your HomeBASE, your guiding LIGHT, your safe zone and will always love you.
Your Daddy and I love you to the moon and back (with every fiber of our beings). We are so proud of the sweet, funny, smiley, talks non stop, boy you are. Keep that positivity shining and always lead from the heart.
Love always