Wednesday, January 22, 2020

HAHA no Potty for me

So i tricked my mama and daddy and let them think i was potty trained but oh no.. I get lazy and wont get up . I will lay down and poop. I do not mind at all. Mama is annoyed but okay.. daddy isnt happy at all. But i start VPK in 7ish months so i will get it by then.. Let me be a baby a little longer.. hello I am the last baby. I will take my time.

I do love the time i get with mama.. she is so sweet and snuggly. She will hold me all night. She loves to smile at me even when i have poop all over me. She calls me her poop monster and Mr. Poops a lot.

She is funny!

Currently Chocolate sandwiches and Amy's Cheeseless veggie pizza is my fave foods.

I love my Bubba more than anything except Mama. I love her the mostest.

I love Daddy too hes funny and plays with me.

We recently went on vacation and my fave part was riding the trolley like Daniel tiger. I like Daniel tiger.

I can say my ABC's I can count to a large # only missing a few.; I can count backwards from 10.. and I can  play minecraft like a pro!  no one would know I was only 3.  I am a big boy.. who poops in my pants.. but pooping your pants is cool dude.. dont forget it.. I am awesome. oh yeah!  I like to dance and prance and make you laugh.. oh yeah

i also am a good actor!  I act scared when i dont want to do something.. or go to someone.. i can act tired and snuggle mama if she tries to make me go somewhere..  but over all all I am awesome oh yeah!

Ok off to do awesome things!