3, I cannot believe you are 3. I’m sure i am going to say this at every birthday. In a way it seems impossible you are turning 3 and at the same time it feels like you are already 3. Your daddy said “ he’s been 2 for a very long time”. You still have so much sweet baby in you but you are definitely your own person. You know what you want and are not afraid to tell people. You have the cutest mad face. You make me just want to kiss it even though I know you are super mad but goodness you are a cutie. You speak so clearly and have such a vast vocabulary. You also repeat every word to make sure you remember it. You know your colors, can count to 30, know your abcs. We are learning Spanish. You memorize songs so easily. You love music, dinosaurs, and transformers. You love to play on the kindle.
You love your brother and boy does he love you. You two are the best of friends and make my heart happy. You are the sweetest thing and constantly make sure people are okay. You get close to my face, tilt your head slightly, smile and look me in the eye when you talk. It’s so sweet. And you talk so softly when do that. “Mama you okay” “mama do you want some”. You love to share and you love your mama. Oh my do you love me. You make me feel like the luckiest girl with your smile and sweet hug. I’m so thankful you are my baby. I get so many kisses and hugs and so much love.
Your fave color is blue. You love your cat. You have never met a stranger which always scares mama. You love to read books. You love to make people smile and laugh. And your laugh is so much like mine. It’s loud and contagious. And your dancing skills are pretty amazing. You love to dance! We have lots of dance parties. You love being outside and you love water. You also live to snuggle me. I’m your lovie. You snuggle up tight and gently (sometimes not so gently) pinch my arm. You stay snuggled all night. You wake me with hugs and kisses and that sweet smile. You are truly a sweet sweet boy.
I’m going to miss this stage of your life. You are learning to be independent and stand up for yourself you are so sweet and give the best hugs. You laugh more than you cry and are just all around amazing. I hope you always keep you sweet loving care free spirit. The world needs more kindness and Laughter. Both which you are good at providing. I hope this next year is filled with wonder and learning. I hope you never forget how very much you are loved. Because sweet boy you are so very loved. You are smart. You are kind you are important and you are loved
Happy 3rd birthday sweet boy. I love you from this universe to the next.
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