Thursday, May 26, 2016

Dear CB

Oh baby boy.    I love you.  I never imagined my heart would be so big.  You are such a good boy. You are so calm and flexible. You sleep when you can, you nurse but only from the good boob unless super hungry.  You came into this world with a bang.  We could have lost you or me or both of us. We made it through that we can make it through anything right? 

I love your smiles and coos. I really hope I'm around to watch you grow up.  I can't wait to see how your little personality develops.  Will you be like JB? Will you be more quiet?  I can't wait to find out. 

If our nursing relationship gets cut off early. I am sorry. It's never what I wanted. Our relationship will begin differently but I love you just as much!  In life circumstances are beyond our control.  But know that I love you!  You and your brother are my world!  Never doubt my love!  It's what drives me each day. 

I'm going to enjoy all the snuggles I can take from you while I can!

I love you 
Love ~mama

Baby Deux has arrived

Contractions starting getting regular around 3:20 on 4/7/16. By 4:15 I was trying to get ahold of my husband. By 6 the dr was like come in now and my sister drive JB and I to the hospital.  We pulled into ER about 6:40 and they hurriedly contacted labor and delivery to come get me.  By the time I made it up there I was 10 centimeters dilated and the cervix was almost completely opened.  I finally was able to push right before 7:30. One contraction, multiple pushes ans people pushing on me like I was a punching bag since little one was so large he got stuck coming out. I gave birth to a beautiful big baby boy at 7:31 pm,  10lbs 5.3 oz, 20.7 inches long. CB came into this world with a bang also pooing before making it out.  We have a fractured left clavicle buy that will heal on its own and is due to coming out sideways. Thankfully we both did well and mama did it completely naturally with the help of a sweet toddler, my sister and husband who barely made it there on time. Best Sandy drove from Jax in time to hold the baby!

Big brother was able to see the birth and hold his little brother! 
My heart is full!
Welcome to the world little one! 

Monday, May 9, 2016

One month old

I am one month old 
I weigh 13 lbs am wearing size 2 diapers and 3 month clothes 
I love my mama and boobie milk 
I coo and hold up my head and upper body. 
I love my brother but not when he hits and pinches me which is often though mama does try to stop him. She snuggles me tight when that happens. She's sweet 
My eyes are blue and bright 
I poop a lot. Mama calls me me poops a lot for that reason 

I sleep really well and smile a lot 
I am one loved boy! 