Tuesday, August 29, 2017

No Night night bottle

Mama is so mean!  She will not let me have a bottle in the middle of the night. She says it is so we both can sleep through the night but i think there is a conspiracy going on. The first night was very rough.. I screamed and cried and threw myself about trying to buck out of her arms but she held me tight and said she loved me but we could not have a bottle. She even cried as i went on forever!!!!!!  The 2nd night i faced the wall and got really mad at her. If she tried to touch me I slapped at her. When I got tired I snuggled back up and went to sleep. Last night, i woke up twice, the first time wasn't so bad, but the 2nd time I thought it was morning and I just wanted my baba. I screamed so loud, JB told mama "just give him a bottle"  Mama said no.  Daddy is complaining about no sleep and I think Mama may strangle him. Hello, she gets no sleep with me currently since I am up trying to get a bottle every 30 mins. Now she is getting more sleep and he will have to deal. Mama said I will eventually just sleep through the night.

I also pulled my pants down and peed on Emmy's wall and floor. I am tired of a diaper :D

I am finally saying Dada on a regular basis, but Mama is still my go too!  She cannot go anywhere without me. I cling to her like saran wrap on a biscuit!  I think she secretly loves it. She does love my snuggles and always smiles at me!  She said I look at her like she is the most beautiful woman in the world and to me she is. She hung the moon and stars!  Sweet Mama.

Hope y'all have a great day!

Love ~CB