Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Cute hot mess

I am a communicator!  I use my words, I stomp my feet, I scrunch my nose, I glare, i smile, i laugh, you know what I am thinking. I am an open book!  I also like to change my mind a lot. You never know what I want heck I don’t even know what I want. Mama says I take after daddy like that and daddy says I have mamas looks and attitude!  She smiles and says, “hang on for the ride dear” 
My fave color is blue 
My fave ice cream is mint chocolate chip
Mama is my fave ever and I never want her to leave 
Mama loves my pouty face. 
I can swim now!  MamA calls me new little fish.  I like swimming under “sea” aka our pool.  Bubba and I play for hours. Mama and daddy play too! 

I love my family. They make me happy.  I also love being naked.  I run around a lot naked. Bubba does too. Mama and daddy are always telling us to cover our penises. Mama giggles a lot. I love to share food with her. She will take the Oreo cookies after I lick the cream even though the cream is her fave too.  She’s sweet like that.  I am sweet until I’m not. I like to punch and play rough.  Im a rough and tumble boy who likes to snuggle his mama. Judge away. She smells nice and is soft.  And warm. Oh so warm. 

Time for bed. Night 