Thursday, December 19, 2019

I am a funny little man

I am funny. I am really funny. I am not just saying that I really am. Everyone tells me I will be a famous actor one day. I hope so. I really do. I love to make people smile and I love to dance. I shake my booty all over the house while I dance to the beat in my head. So much fun!

I am very demanding too. Boss baby for sure. Even Bubba does what I ask. Mama says she loves me little but am so happy to grow bigger. I love snuggling mama though and am not sure i ever will not want to snuggle her. She is the snuggliest!  Bubba and I really love to snuggle her.

We love making videos and we love our mama.

Off to play

Friday, November 22, 2019

We went to the fair

we went to the fair and it was so much fun. We rode rides, I napped on daddy, we rode more rides and i slept on the way home.

I love spending time with my family. I love love love them. They make me happy and mad all at once.

I am almost all the way potty trained, and I love to talk

though not much to say now

Have a great day

Thursday, November 7, 2019

I’m pretty much potty trained

So I have pretty much potty trained me self. Me a big boy now. Me still sleep with mama but me big boy.  Me love mama but sometimes I refuse to kiss her.  I say me love you me no want kiss right now.   I also tell daddy when I have had enough. “ you can go now daddy. Bye  bye. As  I push him off the bed thankfully daddy understands. He’s a good daddy. He’s been super chill and loving. He plays with us. He doesn’t yell. It’s been pretty amazing. Mama is even happier than she was. It’s been amazing. Lots of laughing and dancing.  I make funny voices and faces to make everyone laugh.  Mama tells me I’m funny. So does Emmy and grandma.   Grandma snuggles  me like mama. I sure love my mamas snuggles  she loves me so much. She smells nice. She kisses me. She hugs me. She plays with me. She’s pretty amazing she listens to me and makes me feel hears. I hope that never changes. 

Okay it’s bed time. Night night 

Thursday, October 10, 2019

I’m a monkey

I am a monkey. I m a monkey that’s been using full sentences, and using the potty! What? what?   Yep me did it! I also do ninja class and I’m a little ninja ha ya 

I love my mama!  I hate it when she leaves ne!  She snuggles me good!  Today I  swung from the curtains while screaming “look mama” she was not as impressed as I was. She told me I  could have been hurt. Hello I’m a super hero  nothing can hurt me! 

Ok signing off to do ninja  super hero things!  If you need me I have ninja class tomorrow night. Shhh don’t tell anyone 
Ta ta for now 

Tuesday, October 1, 2019

My mama is the best

My mama is better than yours.  I said it. She’s funny. She snuggles me. She lets me hold her all night of even if I pee or puke in her which lately has been a lot. Sorry mama!  She says I have the cutest face and the cutest voice. She loves me a lot. Like a whole lot. I love her too. I like daddy but I always want my mama. Sometimes I want my granddaddy sometimes grandma. I like to nap with grandma. Granddaddy makes me laugh and daddy does too. He’s funny. He’s been super sweet lately. We all like that!  

I am copying Bubba a lot. I’m starting to recognize letters and I can spell my name. Bubba, mama and daddy all read to me and mama lets me read Back to her. She says I am one smart cookie. And I am!  I love to learn and I like to be heard 

I have the same faces as mama so we so “who does it better” and we make the same facial expression I alway win.  I definitely do it better. 

I also like saying big words. And I am potty training myself. Not much longer and mama gets a raise!  

Ok off to snuggle mama. Will try to write more soon 


Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Cute hot mess

I am a communicator!  I use my words, I stomp my feet, I scrunch my nose, I glare, i smile, i laugh, you know what I am thinking. I am an open book!  I also like to change my mind a lot. You never know what I want heck I don’t even know what I want. Mama says I take after daddy like that and daddy says I have mamas looks and attitude!  She smiles and says, “hang on for the ride dear” 
My fave color is blue 
My fave ice cream is mint chocolate chip
Mama is my fave ever and I never want her to leave 
Mama loves my pouty face. 
I can swim now!  MamA calls me new little fish.  I like swimming under “sea” aka our pool.  Bubba and I play for hours. Mama and daddy play too! 

I love my family. They make me happy.  I also love being naked.  I run around a lot naked. Bubba does too. Mama and daddy are always telling us to cover our penises. Mama giggles a lot. I love to share food with her. She will take the Oreo cookies after I lick the cream even though the cream is her fave too.  She’s sweet like that.  I am sweet until I’m not. I like to punch and play rough.  Im a rough and tumble boy who likes to snuggle his mama. Judge away. She smells nice and is soft.  And warm. Oh so warm. 

Time for bed. Night 

Friday, April 5, 2019

A letter to CB in your 3rd birthday

Hello my littlest love

3, I cannot believe you are 3. I’m sure i am going to say this at every birthday. In a way it seems impossible you are turning 3 and at the same time it feels like you are already 3. Your daddy said “ he’s been 2 for a very long time”. You still have so much sweet baby in you but you are definitely your own person.  You know what you want and are not afraid to tell people. You have the cutest mad face. You make me just want to kiss it even though I know you are super mad but goodness you are a cutie. You speak so clearly and have such a vast vocabulary. You also repeat every word to make sure you remember it.  You know your colors, can count to 30, know your abcs. We are learning Spanish. You memorize songs so easily. You love music, dinosaurs, and transformers. You love to play on the kindle. 

You love your brother and boy does he love you.  You two are the best of friends and make my heart happy.  You are the sweetest thing and constantly make sure people are okay. You get close to my face, tilt your head slightly, smile and look me in the eye when you talk. It’s so sweet. And you talk so softly when do that.  “Mama you okay” “mama do you want some”.  You love to share and you love your mama. Oh my do you love me.  You make me feel like the luckiest girl with your smile and sweet hug.  I’m so thankful you are my baby.  I get so many kisses and hugs and so much love. 

Your fave color is blue. You love your cat. You have never met a stranger which always scares mama. You love to read books. You love to make people smile and laugh.  And your laugh is so much like mine. It’s loud and contagious.  And your dancing skills are pretty amazing. You love to dance! We have lots of dance parties.  You love being outside and you love water. You also live to snuggle me. I’m your lovie. You snuggle up tight and  gently  (sometimes not so gently) pinch my arm. You stay snuggled all night. You wake me with hugs and kisses and that sweet smile.  You are truly a sweet sweet boy.  

I’m going to miss this stage of your life.  You are learning to be independent and stand up for yourself you are so sweet and give the best hugs. You laugh more than you cry and are just all around amazing. I hope you always keep you sweet loving care free spirit. The world needs more kindness and Laughter. Both which you are good at providing.  I hope this next year is filled with wonder and learning. I hope you never forget how very much you are loved. Because sweet boy you are so very loved.  You are smart. You are kind  you are important and you are loved 

Happy 3rd birthday sweet boy. I love you from this universe to the next. 


Wednesday, March 6, 2019

I’m a monkey

I’m a monkey. I love climbing all the things. Me love my mama more than anything else and Am not afraid to tell you. Me hurt daddy’s feelings a lot. Me love to talk. Me love to climb. Me love bubba and Callie the jumper. Mama says me the cutest funniest baby. She tells me she loves me all the time. She loves to snuggle Bubba and I. We love to snuggle her too. 

Me hates to take a bath 
Me loves blippi 
Me loves Dinosaurs 
Me loves Sophia 
Me loves to eat 
Me poops a lot and at the most inconvenient times 
Me can do it all me self. 
Me can even unbuckle me car seat 
Me a big boy now 
Me will be 3 in a month 
Me loves transformers 
Me loves to be outside 
Me a happy baby with a serious attitude 
Me have funny facial expressions
Me love to draw 
Me love to pow people and beat up mean guys 
Me love Optimus prime and bubble bee 
Me. Pretty cool kid 
Me favorite color is blue
Me know my abcs 
Me can count to 20
Bubba is my best friend
Me miss him when he’s at school 
Me want to go go school too but me also want to stay at mamas house. Me miss her when she’s gone. Me tell her everyday “me missed you mama me really did” and I give her kisses she love my kisses 
Me not afraid to use my words and speak up for myself 
Me very opinionated 
Me is very dramatic 
Me has my mama wrapped 
Me love me granddaddy and riding/driving tractors 
Me help granddaddy work 
Me love me Emmy but me also love babs and his Jeep 
Me happy very very happy 

Love ~CB