Saturday, April 10, 2021

Best day ever

Dudes I’m 5 

Yep I’m 5.  I’m cool too 

I had the best day ever! 

We played at the park for my birthday a transformer party which was so cool! 

L came over to play!  He’s my bestie and I got 1:1 time with him. 

I  snuggled with mama 
Now me playing with bubba 

I am thankful for family and my friends.  I love playing with l. And Jordyn came to my party too!  That was super fun!!! 

I got presents and get to buy more. I’m just so excited! 

Thanks everyone who made my birthday weeek so special. Especially my granny who made me a transformers cake . Isn’t that the coolest cake ever?  Right!!!!!!!! Best granny ever! 

I love y’all!  Also dude I’m 5

☮️ Out 

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Letter for CB on your 5th birthday from Mama

Dearest CB

Happy birthday little love.  

You have had quite a year! 
You started VPK in the middle of a pandemic.  Wearing a mask all day has been rough, as well as leaving me in the mornings. But typically, You are so easy going and flexible. You get mad and when you do you will double down but you also calm down quickly and is your words. You are my shadow, my mini me.  You make me laugh a lot!  You are a good little roommate and the best snuggler   You and your brother may be tied for worlds best snuggler. 

You love your people hard. You make sure they know you love them.  You greet them with a big smile and big hug.  You are never shy with “I love you” 
Your hugs your hugs are amazing!  You love hugs and to pat us on the back. You are so articulate. You use big words and describe your emotions.  You love your friends and family so much.  You would give the shirt off your back for people and you are 5.  It’s amazing to see.  You make smart decisions and stick up for yourself and others